Tiziana Assenza
Associate Professor of Economics​ (Toulouse School of Economics and IAST)
Fields of interest: Behavioral and Experimental Macroeconomics, Computational Macroeconomics, Behavioral Household Finance. I am currently working on fake news economics.
My research aims to bridge the gap between theoretical models and real-world economic behavior, using innovative experimental methods and computational techniques. Through my diverse research agenda, I aim to enhance our understanding of economic behavior and develop economic models that can inform effective policy-making in an increasingly complex economic landscape.
A key focus of my research is the study of expectations in macroeconomics. To this end I conduct experiments with human subjects both in the laboratory and online to explore how individuals form and update their economic expectations, and how these expectations influence broader economic outcomes. Therefore, my research aims to shed new light on phenomena like business cycles and financial market dynamics.
Recently, I have turned my attention to the economics of fake news, a cutting-edge research area with significant societal implications. This line of research is the first examining not only citizens’ susceptibility to fake news, but importantly its economic impacts, and potential solutions. This includes studying how fake news can shape business cycles and influence economic decision-making both for private agents and firms.
Finally my research also encompasses policy experiments using agent-based models with credit networks, exploring how different policy interventions can affect economic outcomes in complex, interconnected systems.
Fake News: Susceptibility, Awareness and Solutions (with A. Cardaci and S.J. Huber) TSE-WP#1519 VoxEU Column , BSE Voice and Bonn Press Release (German)
From Buzz to Bust: How Fake News Shapes the Business Cycle (with Fabrice Collard, Patrick Fève and S.J. Huber) CEPR DP#18912. March 2024. VoxEU Column, VoxTalks Economics and BSE Voice
Phone: +33 (0)5 6112 8822
Email: tiziana.assenza@tse-fr.eu ​
My google Scholar page​​​​
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